full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amy Milton: Can we edit memories?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Well, with rsceept to ethics and eyewitness testimony, I would say the itpnarmot point to reemebmr is the finding from that human study. Because plorpnroaol is only acting on the non-declarative emotional memory, it seems unlikely that it would affect eyewitness testimony, which is bsaed on declarative memory. Essentially, what these memory-destroying treatments are aiming to do is to reduce the emotional memroy, not get rid of the trauma memory altogether. This should make the responses of those with PTSD more like those who have been through trauma and not developed PTSD than people who have never experienced trauma in the first place. I think that most people would find that more ethically acceptable than a treatment that aimed to create some sort of spotless mind.

Open Cloze

Well, with _______ to ethics and eyewitness testimony, I would say the _________ point to ________ is the finding from that human study. Because ___________ is only acting on the non-declarative emotional memory, it seems unlikely that it would affect eyewitness testimony, which is _____ on declarative memory. Essentially, what these memory-destroying treatments are aiming to do is to reduce the emotional ______, not get rid of the trauma memory altogether. This should make the responses of those with PTSD more like those who have been through trauma and not developed PTSD than people who have never experienced trauma in the first place. I think that most people would find that more ethically acceptable than a treatment that aimed to create some sort of spotless mind.


  1. respect
  2. propranolol
  3. important
  4. based
  5. remember
  6. memory

Original Text

Well, with respect to ethics and eyewitness testimony, I would say the important point to remember is the finding from that human study. Because Propranolol is only acting on the non-declarative emotional memory, it seems unlikely that it would affect eyewitness testimony, which is based on declarative memory. Essentially, what these memory-destroying treatments are aiming to do is to reduce the emotional memory, not get rid of the trauma memory altogether. This should make the responses of those with PTSD more like those who have been through trauma and not developed PTSD than people who have never experienced trauma in the first place. I think that most people would find that more ethically acceptable than a treatment that aimed to create some sort of spotless mind.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
edit mode 7
mental health 4
emotional memory 4
fear memories 3
traumatic event 2
control behavior 2
consciously aware 2
emotional memories 2
declarative memory 2
reconsolidation view 2
memory retrieval 2
longer afraid 2
frightening trigger 2
healthy human 2
declarative event 2
event memory 2
trauma memories 2
road traffic 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
declarative event memory 2

Important Words

  1. acceptable
  2. acting
  3. affect
  4. aimed
  5. aiming
  6. altogether
  7. based
  8. create
  9. declarative
  10. developed
  11. emotional
  12. essentially
  13. ethically
  14. ethics
  15. experienced
  16. eyewitness
  17. find
  18. finding
  19. human
  20. important
  21. memory
  22. mind
  23. people
  24. place
  25. point
  26. propranolol
  27. ptsd
  28. reduce
  29. remember
  30. respect
  31. responses
  32. rid
  33. sort
  34. spotless
  35. study
  36. testimony
  37. trauma
  38. treatment
  39. treatments